We currently only use FedEx as our carrier of choice. We are not able to accommodate any requests to ship out packages using a different carrier.
When placing your order, you can select from the following FedEx delivery options:
1. No Signature Required:
FedEx will attempt to obtain a signature at the delivery address. If no one is available to sign, FedEx will deliver the package in a safe place without obtaining a signature. Please note that we are not responsible for packages once they are handed to the carrier; if a package is taken after delivery and it did not have a direct signature required, there is little we or the carrier can do to assist.
2. Direct Signature Required:
FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address. If no one is at the address, FedEx may reattempt delivery. This option is highly recommended to ensure you receive your package without issues
3. Indirect Signature Required:
FedEx will obtain a signature from someone at the delivery address, from a neighbor or from a building manager. If no one is available to sign, FedEx will attempt to redeliver the package on another date.